Pregnancy Testing

A pregnancy test is one of the first steps in determining if you're pregnant. We offer lab-quality urine test appointments. Our tests are state-approved (CLIA) and effective up to one week before your period is due. Even if you've already taken a home test, follow up with a pregnancy test from us.

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An ultrasound is valuable regardless of what your intentions are for your unexpected or unplanned pregnancy. An ultrasound can date your pregnancy, indicate if it's viable (progressing), and show your pregnancy's location. It can also inform you if you've had a miscarriage. An ultrasound can provide the information you will need to move forward.

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Prenatal Care

It's best to begin pregnancy care as soon as you learn you're pregnant. Get lab-quality pregnancy testing from us to confirm your pregnancy early and get the best prenatal care possible. We care about your health and the health of your pregnancy. Our prenatal care is available to you until the 28th week, and we will refer you and help you transition to an OB/GYN who will care for you through the end of your pregnancy.

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Post-Abortion Support

Post-abortion trauma can be real. Some women's symptoms appear immediately, while others don't experience the trauma for years. If you are struggling with the emotional and psychological aftermath of an abortion experience, we want you to know there is hope and healing. Contact us to discuss the available treatments.

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STD Testing

If you are sexually active, you may have unknowingly contracted a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or infection (STI). Many STIs do not have any symptoms, so men and women assume they aren't infected. Getting tested regularly is one way to protect yourself and your partner from future health problems.

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